
Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Prayer for the End of Life that our Offspring Continue to Walk the Torah Path

Parashat Vayechi

Prayer for the End of Life
that our Offspring Continue to Walk the Torah Path
Life on earth is only temporary and short.
In the end, the children will our soul escort.
Let us not leave this world before confessing,
and imparting the children with our blessing.
May we merit organizing all that we possess,
avoiding leaving behind a burdensome mess.
Hashem help us impart love of G-d to our dependents!
What could be a greater value for all our descendants?
Help the children feel that they to the family belong.
Make peace between them, so they will always get along.
May they and their children learn history, English and math.
Yet, let their main effort be to excel on the Torah path! 
May they be balanced, modest, and kind,
slow to anger, soft-spoken, and refined! 
Let them be devoted to pursuing the truth of the Torah,
igniting and shining their light like the candles of the menorah!
May they find suitable, compatible spouses,
with whom to settle in comfortable houses! 
Help ensure that our children’s basic needs are perpetually met!
May they preserve everything that we have built with our blood and sweat!
Please G-d that they will tend to every tree that we have planted,
and keep taking care of the garden that they will be granted!
Let them find their garden lush and enchanting, 
continuing their own building and planting!
Please help our children succeed in their endeavors.
May their descendants keep the Torah forever!
Guide them to interact with the world as Your shaliach!
May they merit living to greet the light of Mashiach!

Based on the Book of Bereishit Chapter 48 and 49

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