Parashat Bo
When Will we Emerge from the Plague of
Unblocking the Dark Cloud Blocking us from Moving Forward
The midrash explains that Egypt deserved the plague of darkness because they refused to accept Hashem’s authority upon themselves (Midrash Shemot Rabbah 14:1). Rabbi Shmuel Bornsztain asks why the midrash tells us this, as it is well known that all the plagues were inflicted upon Egypt because the Egyptians defied Hashem and refused to let the Children of Israel go. The answer is alluded to in the continuation of the Midrash regarding the root of darkness:
Whence did that darkness come?
Rabbi Yehuda said: From the darkness above, for it says: “He made darkness His
hiding place, His pavilion round about Him” (Tehillim 18:12). Rabbi
Nechemiyah said: It came from the darkness of Gehinnom… (Midrash Shemot
Rabbah 14:2).
We have seen many plagues during the last
decades, tsunamis, floods, forest fires, Coronavirus disease and more. Perhaps, as we approach the final redemption we are now
entrenched in darkness, the plague before the last one. Yet, while the minds of
the Egyptians were darkened the minds of the children of Israel were unaffected
as it states,
Also, today we have the ability to keep our souls and minds alert
by connecting with Hashem’s light through keeping Torah and Mitzvot, and
through meditation and spiritual healing!
EmunaHealing Exercise for Tapping into the Hidden Light within
the Darkness
(Based on Rabbi Rachamim Bitton)
1. Make yourself comfortable, close your eyes and allow all
inner images to pass through you.
Perhaps there may be lopsided shapes in different colors,
allow yourself to watch whatever you see in your mind’s eye without making any
2. Keep breathing slowly and let all the shapes pass through
you until you experience an emptiness of black darkness. Breathe into the
darkness, and allow yourself to be enveloped by this velvety, all-encompassing
darkness with the awareness that this darkness is Hashem’s hiding place.
3. Within this darkness the greatest light is hiding.
Recognize that the source of all light is Hashem. In the Torah, אוֹר/Ohr
–‘light’ and חַיִּים/Chayim –
‘life’ energy is synonymous. The Source of all light is the source of all Life.
Intend and allow yourself to connect to the Source of all Life, the life of all
life, and the light of all light – Hashem.
4. In the Source Life energy perpetually flows. There’s a
constant infinite flow of more and more life and light. There is only more and
more light, deeper and deeper, greater and greater, sweeter and sweeter
experience of life essence, in this world, and for all eternity. Our intention
is to connect and completely surrender to the experience of this light, right now.
5. Connect to the light and experience it spreading
throughout your body, permeating and saturating every atom, every molecule, and
every cell of your body, both your spiritual body and your physical body.
Imagine the Light completely dissolving any blemishes and any blocks... any
darkness which you may be aware of… or which you are unaware of.... wherever
they may be conscious or unconscious, right now.
6. Allow yourself to completely surrender to this Light, to
this Life energy, to the Source of all Life until you feel so connected that
you can imagine and feel you have become it. Become the light...
7. Now, sit in this state for as long as you can, peacefully
and comfortably... enjoy it.
8. Visualize lovingly spreading this Light, sharing this
light with your loved ones. Imagine and visualize sharing it with your family
and friends, those that you are praying for, and all of Am Yisrael. Imagine
and visualize spreading and sharing this light kindly with all of the Jewish
people and with the entire world.
9. Become a channel for this Light of Hashem’s infinite life,
transmitted through your soul, to be spread throughout the whole world, permeating,
and saturating us all, so profoundly, dissolving any pain, healing and
transforming us to renewed living and a deeper inclusion in the Light. As you
spread this Light and share it with others, your experience of Light
intensifies and increases.
10. Now, sit in this feeling of loving kindness for everyone.
Recognize and connect to your inherent love for others, your unconditional
love, and kindness, and your intrinsic desire to enrich the lives of others.
From this loving place within your heart, share this pleasant, pleasurable
experience of healing, redemption, and loving life energy with everyone and all.
From the Darkness to the Light: the darkness is the channel between the world perceived from outside oneself to the inside of our soul-essence where all is light. Put our attention on BEING (here and now) and experience this Divine Gift.