Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Why is Yom Kippur the Happiest Day of the Year?

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Yom Kippur
Why is Yom Kippur the Happiest Day of the Year?

Yom Kippur – the Gift of Forgiveness to Every Jew
We have entered the solemn period of the Ten Days of Repentance when we prepare ourselves for Yom Kippur. Now is the time for deep inner self-reflection and work to face our fears.
At this auspicious time, we dig deeply into our psyche to bring up our shadow sides to the surface. Digging into our shadow side and uprooting our spiritual weeds is no less daunting than the arduous toil of digging deeply into the hard soil of the land, turning it, softening it, adding compost, and getting it ready for the winter crop. Yet when the new crop sprouts forth from the freshly turned soiled, we become filled with awareness and gratitude that all the hard work was worthwhile. The work of Yom Kippur likewise bears fruit. It sprouts forth our higher purified selves. Yes, it is hard to dig up parts of ourselves that we may have repressed in the recesses of the crevices of our souls. However, only by facing these exiled slivers of selves can we dissolve the spiritual husks that block us from cleaving to our Divine source. Therefore, on Yom Kippur – the happiest day of the year – our hearts must be filled with simcha (happiness). This is because Yom Kippur extends a special gift of forgiveness and atonement to every Jew. I’m grateful for this favorable day when we become renewed and purified. There is no greater happiness than being able to feel good about ourselves. Therefore, Yom Kippur is the happiest day of the year as it states, Rabbi Shimon ben Gamliel said, there were never days as good for Israel as the 15th of Av and Yom Kippur. Yom Kippur because it entails pardon and forgiveness, the day that the second tablets were given (Babylonian Talmud, Taanit 30b). Our Neshama (soul) feels this happiness and becomes filled with joy and light on Yom Kippur. Rav Shlomo Carlebach offers us a parable: Imagine, I owe the bank ten million dollars. All of a sudden, I get a letter from the bank that they not only pardon me this debt, but they moreover offer me a loan for another ten million dollars. Would I then continue to walk around tearfully sighing because I didn’t pay off my debt from the prior year? In truth, Yom Kippur is much more than this. On Yom Kippur when the Kohen Gadol enters the holy of holies, each Jew has a spark in the depths of our heart which enters the holy of holies with him. Entering the holy of holies is beyond space (Babylonian Talmud, Yoma 21a), just as Yom Kippur is beyond time. On Yom Kippur we become aware that we can connect ourselves with the highest place in heaven. This place is so high that there we cannot make any more mistakes, as no evil abides there (Based on Rav Shlomo, Lev Hashamayim for Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and Sukkot, p.164 and 170).

On Yom Kippur, we celebrate not only the forgiveness granted to us but especially the closeness to Hashem this holiest day of the year offers us. 

If we Rectify the Blemish in the Upper Worlds, Hashem will Rectify our Souls

People somehow mistakenly think that Yom Kippur is a sad day because it’s a fast day. It is indeed a very serious day but that doesn’t preclude it from being a happy day as well. Being seriously happy is part of the Torah way as it states, 
ספר תהילים פרק ב  פסוק יא עִבְדוּ אֶת הָשֵׁם בְּיִרְאָה וְגִילוּ בִּרְעָדָה:

Serve Hashem with fear and rejoice with trembling! (Tehillim 2:11). 

On Yom Kippur we tremble to purify ourselves through Teshuva (repentance), while we are happy and grateful for the special heavenly help, we receive to become purified. Yom Kippur is a cosmic wedding between us and Hashem who brings us close while whispering in our ear, “Return to Me and I will return to you” (Malachi 3:7). These prophetic words teach us that our main endeavor is not only to rectify our soul, not even the root of our souls, for this too is a bit self-servi
ng. Rather, the main Yom Kippur service is to return to Hashem from a broken heart due to the exile of the Shechinah (Divine Feminine Presence). The main reason we repent our negative deeds is that they caused the exile of the Shechinah to whom we desire to return – that is the essence of, “Return to Me…” – to make a dwelling place for the Shechinah. Hashem promises that when you return to Hashem “…He will return to you.” Perhaps we might feel that this goal is too uplifted, and it would be better to focus on rectifying the three lower levels of our soul (Nefesh, Ruach, Neshama). Therefore, Hashem assures us that if our teshuva is for the sake of returning the Shechinah, Hashem “will return to us” by taking care of rectifying our souls. Thus, there are two parts of rectification through teshuva: 1. Rectifying the blemish on the three parts of our soul. 2. Rectifying the blemish in the upper worlds that cause separation between The Holy One and His Shechinah (between Ze’er Anpin and Malchut). If we care about rectifying the blemish in the upper worlds, Hashem will rectify our souls.

How does the Vidui (Confession) Prayer Reflect the Two Stages of Atonement?
In the Yom Kippur Torah Reading we learn about the essence of this auspicious day:

ספר ויקרא פרק טז פסוק ל כִּי בַיּוֹם הַזֶּה יְכַפֵּר עֲלֵיכֶם לְטַהֵר אֶתְכֶם מִכֹּל חַטֹּאתֵיכֶם לִפְנֵי הָשֵׁם תִּטְהָרוּ:
“For on this day, He shall affect atonement for you to purify you from all your sins. Before Hashem, you shall be pure” (Vayikra 16:30).

This verse paraphrases the two stages of rectification through teshuva: In the first stage, Hashem promises to cause us atonement by purifying our souls. The second stage describes our mitzvah to purify ourselves. This parallels the two parts of the Vidui (confession) that we recite repeatedly on Yom Kippur. In the first part, we confess our sins in the order of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, “We have sinned (ashamnu), we have acted treacherously (bagadnu), we have robbed (gazalnu), we have spoken slander (dibarnu).” This part of the Vidui refers to the blemishes we have caused on our souls, that Hashem will fix on Yom Kippur. In the second part of the Vidui the emphasis is on the sins we have committed before Hashem, thus causing the separation of the Shechinah: “For the sin which we have committed before You under duress or willingly. And for the sin which we have committed before You by hard-heartedness. For the sin which we have committed before You inadvertently…” This part of the confession applies to our responsibility to pray for the blemish above, and the return of the Shechinah below. Based on these two levels of purification alluded to in the two parts of the Vidui, we can understand the well-known dispute about whether the atonement on Yom Kippur only applies when we do teshuva, or that the essence of the day causes atonement even if we don’t repent (Mesechet Yoma Chapter 8). The view that Yom Kippur atones whether a person repents or not applies to the rectification that Hashem enacts for us: “He shall effect atonement for you to purify you from all your sins.” Yet, “Before Hashem, you shall be pure” applies to rectifying the separation between us and Hashem – the exile of the Shechinah and the upper worlds. That is our responsibility. For this part, we will only receive atonement through repentance. Since this is our main work on Yom Kippur the main tefilah (prayer) centers around “before Hashem you must become pure” and “Return to Me.” (Based on Rav Moshe Refael Luria, Ori v’Yishi pp. 274-275). Isn’t this the truest ‘at-one-ment?’

Gratitude Focus for the Week of Parashat Ha’azinu –
Tips on Recognizing and Thanking Hashem While Facing Your Fears

In my experience, fear is the main block that blocks us from cleaving fully to Hashem and causes separation of the Shechinah. Therefore, as we pray and confess during Yom Kippur, we must not forget to take the time to meditate on our repressed fears that often manifest in our subconsciousness and cause various pains that block the Shechinah from residing within us. There is nothing Hashem wants more than for us to open ourselves to welcome His Presence in the deepest recesses of our soul as it states, “Make for Me a sanctuary and I will reside within you” (Shemot 25:8). As much as Hashem wants the rebuilding of the Temple as His Divine home, He yearns, even more, to dwell within each of us. “The Kotzker Rebbe was once asked: “Where does G-d dwell?” to which he replied, “Wherever you let Him in.”

·       Allow Yourself to Tune Into the Feeling of Your Fear – When you experience fear, you feel it as a physical thing. Often fear feels like a constriction in the chest throat or head. Allow the movement of that fear to play upon the physical form in any way it wishes. Do not try to remove it, turn it aside, swallow it, or run from it. Be in a totally receptive state and allow it to move around inside you. When you start allowing you will observe that fear comes in waves. It is not an ongoing power, because it is not divinely motivated. Be grateful that this is so, for now, you know there is a way to overcome your fear. First of all, allow the fear to play upon you.

·       Center Yourself – When you feel the thoughts between the waves of your fear, stay centered in the awareness that fear is present. Please do not say “I am afraid.” The statement should be “Fear is present.” There is an important difference between those two statements. The “I” of you is not afraid, and fear does not define its nature. At the same time, center yourself as deeply as you can in the areas of the heart. Center yourself with all the determined will you can muster and stay there. Simply sit there!

·       Observe the Motion of Fear – Interesting things will happen if you are determined to observe the motion of fear. The more time you spend centered in this area, the greater your power will be when you are in real difficulty. Make the most use of the days when you are free of fear, for there will come times when you will need to be centered.

·       Focus on Your Heart Center – As you sit quietly within this awareness, and observe the movements present, you will see that the heart center is where all your fear fades. As you dwell there, you will find more and more of your days and nights filled with a dynamic quality that frees you from your own illusory creation. Humanity calls this dynamic quality Love. It is the power within the center of your heart that allows you to know your connectedness with Hashem and with everything and everyone. There is nothing outside of you; all is within, so there is nothing to fear.

·       Tap into the Unconditional Love You Seek – that lies quietly waiting within the center of your being, and when you have tapped into it, fear will vanish. Love fears nothing because all fears are illusions that block Hashem’s loving light.

·       Spend as Many Moments of Your Days as You Can, Quietly Resting –in the center of your being, not allowing your fears to pull you away, and you will experience the dissipation of your fears (Based on I Come As a Brother: A Remembrance of Illusions by Bartholomew, Mary-Margaret Moore, Joy Franklin, and Jill Kramer).

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Parashat Ha’azinu: How Do We Keep Up Our Gratitude and Emunah Throughout This Challenging War?

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Parashat Ha’azinu
How Do We Keep Up Our Gratitude and Emunah Throughout This Challenging War? 

Giving in to the Pressure of Cease Fire or Waging War Until Eradicating All Evil?
I have two personal news reporters from opposite vantage points, my husband with his Honest Reporting, and my sharp 89-year-old mother reporting from the CNN et al. perspective. On one of our bi-weekly phone calls during September 2024, my mom, who has two daughters, 6, grandchildren, and 11 great-grandchildren living in Israel, nervously related, “Now the war in Israel has surely begun, with Israel’s attack on Lebanon.” “What do you mean, Mom?” I asked, “Didn’t[MS1]  it begin almost a year ago with the barbaric slaughter of 1,139 Israelis most of whom were civilians, and the taking of more than 250 Israeli hostages?” “But now it’s escalating and getting more dangerous as we are all concerned that Iran will get involved,” retorted my mother. “It’s all Netanyahu’s fault. He should not have allowed attacks against Lebanon! I hope he will agree to a ceasefire, already,” my mom continued. It’s not the first time I’ve been subjected to Netanyahu being blamed for everything by my secular family and people I know in Denmark. The discussion never goes anywhere, because how can I explain to those who don’t make Hashem and His Torah the center of their life, that the time has finally come to eradicate evil from the world? How many miracles will it take for those who deny Hashem to recognize G-d’s providence and protection in our current war? In my opinion, it’s even a miracle that Israel – who has been so passive about defending herself against terror attacks and has been engaging in one ineffective peace treaty after the other – finally strikes back. After all these years, in which Chamas – with the help of the UN and European ‘humanitarian help’– built up their terrorist underground infrastructure in Gaza, with arsenals of weapons, the majority of Israelis have at last opened their eyes to see that we need once and for all to eradicate the evil that surrounds us. Now, there is a general consensus to continue the war without stopping until we attain the goal of living securely in our land, forever. I am filled with gratitude that Israel is finally fulfilling her moral imperative of eradicating evil, that threatens not only Israel but the entire world. I’m proud and thankful that most Israelis are dedicated to the eliminating the terrorists and their masters, wherever they are – above and below ground. As King David taught us: “I pursued my enemies and overtook them; I did not turn back till I destroyed them. I struck them down, and they could rise no more; they lay fallen at my feet” (Tehillim 18:38-39). Isn’t this how a nation that desires life must behave? (Inspired by Dror Eydar, Why Gratitude is in Order in Tough Times).

The Reincarnation of Evil at the End of Days
The rise of antisemitism in response to the atrocities committed against Israel is not logical. Yet, everything happening in the world is predicted in our Scriptures, as King David asks, “Why have nations gathered and [why do] kingdoms think vain things? Kings of a land stand up, and nobles take counsel together against Hashem and against His Mashiach? (Tehillim 2:1-2). As the war between good and evil intensifies, the world becomes increasingly more and more polarized. I believe that all the evildoers throughout the centuries, who have opposed Israel and cruelly massacred us are being reincarnated now, so that they will receive Divine retribution at the end of days. Rabbi Joseph Dov Soloveitchik,  defines Amalek as any hate-filled group that directs its enmity toward the Jewish people or one that conspires to commit genocide against the Jewish people  When a people emblazons on its banner, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation: that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance” (Tehillim 83:5) it becomes Amalek. Thus, Chamas and Hezbollah are Amalek of the 21st century, whom we have a mitzvah to eradicate.  Iran, whom everyone fears, is no other than Persia, whom with the help of Heaven, we will defeat again as we have done through Esther and Mordechai. The following midrashic prediction is comforting for those who live by the Torah: “In the year that King Mashiach will be revealed, all the kings of the nations of the world will provoke one another. The king of Persia will provoke the Arabian King, the Arabian king will go to Aram for advice, and the king of Persia will return and destroy the entire world. All the nations of the world will make loud noises and panic, while falling on their faces and be seized by contractions, like the contractions of a birthing woman. Israel will cry out in panic and say, “Where shall we come and go? Where shall we come and go? Where shall we come and go?” Tell them, my son, do not fear, everything that I did, I only did it for you. Why are you afraid? Do not fear, the time of your redemption has come. The last redemption is not like the first redemption. For the first redemption was followed by pain and subjugation to the kingdoms. However, the last redemption will not be followed by pain and subjugation to the kingdoms” (Yalkut Shimoni 60:499). Although scary things are about to take place in Israel – the vortex of the world – it is comforting to believe that this is part of the final redemption, orchestrated by the good and righteous Creator, Whose every move is for the sake of benefiting His people.

Cultivating Gratitude for the Miracles We Experience in the Current War
Ingratitude is universal. When life is good, it is not always easy to remember the source of our blessings. Maintaining gratitude for the good points is even more challenging when things go wrong. I’m mining for miracles in our current war and life in general, because each miracle reinforces my awareness of G-d’s supervision in the world as well as my personal life. The miracles strengthen my emunah, to believe that even when things get tough Hashem is with us, directing the show! Despite our anguish and the mourning of the fallen, let us not forget to see the bigger picture and be grateful for the miracle of political revival and the ability to defend ourselves. Let us give thanks for what cannot be taken for granted, what we have not had for many generations: the opportunity to live in an independent Jewish state which can defend herself. Until now, we have fled or hid, but this time, Israel has arisen and fought back. When my mother reported that 700 people had recently been killed in the Lebanon war, I asked, “On which side?” in my desire to confirm Hashem’s protection of His people. The fact that she didn’t know if any Israeli soldiers had fallen in the latest war against Hezbollah, was a good sign.  Baruch Hashem! Who protects Israel and directs our iron domes to intercept their repeated attacks? It was reported by the Israeli military,that: “The Islamic Resistance launched a ‘Qader 1’ ballistic missile at 6:30 am on Wednesday, ptember 25, 2024, targeting the Mossad headquarters in the outskirts of Tel Aviv. Warning sirens sounded in Tel Aviv on Wednesday as a surface-to-surface missile was intercepted by Israeli air defense systems after it was detected crossing from Lebanon,  ( The Israeli Iron Dome has proved highly successful throughout our current war, intercepting nearly 95 percent of fatal rockets. As I’m writing this, the news about how IDF eliminated this arch terrorist of Hezbollah, who has terrorized the world for decades, killing thousands of people and aiding Iran in its plan to dominate the world and eradicate Israel.  Now, is that not a miracle to be thankful for?

Why is Ingratitude so Common?
As Moshe proclaims G-d’s greatness and justice, His children, the Israelites, fall short, for the generation sustained and nurtured by G-d has repaid His kindness with ingratitude.  

ספר דברים פרק לב פסוק ד הַצּוּר תָּמִים פָּעֳלוֹ כִּי כָל דְּרָכָיו מִשְׁפָּט אֵל אֱמוּנָה וְאֵין עָוֶל צַדִּיק וְיָשָׁר הוּא(ה) שִׁחֵת לוֹ לֹא בָּנָיו מוּמָם דּוֹר עִקֵּשׁ וּפְתַלְתֹּל: (ו) הַלְהָשֵׁם תִּגְמְלוּ זֹאת עַם נָבָל וְלֹא חָכָם הֲלוֹא הוּא אָבִיךָ קָּנֶךָ הוּא עָשְׂךָ וַיְכֹנְנֶךָ:
The deeds of the [Mighty] Rock are perfect, for all His ways are just; a faithful G-d, without injustice He is righteous and upright. Destruction is not His; it is His children’s defect you crooked and twisted generation. Is this how you repay Hashem, you disgraceful, unwise people?! Is He not your Father, your Master? He has made you and established you (Devarim 32:4-6).

Although G-d has wrought great miracles for Israel, we have been disgraceful, lacking gratitude while falling prey to forgetting all Hashem has done for us (Rashi, Devarim 32:6).  Why is ingratitude so common? When we speak of “lack of gratitude,” we often refer to individuals who attribute their successes solely to themselves and fail to acknowledge the help of others. This is a common human trait, as admitting that we need the help of others may hurt our pride, making us feel more dependent and less self-sufficient and successful. Nevertheless, we must genuinely acknowledge and appreciate the goodness we receive, even if this acknowledgment may lead to discomfort or affect our self-image as successful and independent individuals. This attitude is rooted in perfectionism, causing us to dwell on what is lacking, even if objectively, what is lacking is minimal compared to all the advantages and goodness we have merited. When Moshe rebukes the Children of Israel for their ingratitude, he first and foremost calls upon them to acknowledge the goodness they have received from G-d. “The children of Tzion shall rejoice in Hashem their G–d… You shall praise the name of Hashem your G–d who has dealt wondrously with you” (Yoel 2,23; 26). An essential part of our personal journey of rectification is recognizing the goodness we receive, ceasing to focus on negative aspects, and highlighting the positive aspects of our lives. The next step is to understand the source of this goodness – G-d – and to act from this awareness with humility and joy (Based on Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz, Recognizing the Good – Parashat Ha’azinu).

The Prophecies of Parashat Ha’azinu Relating to Our Time and the Final Redemption
In Parashat Ha’azinu, Moshe proclaims the story of the Jewish people. His prophetic song includes our past, present, and future. In the future Israel will sin and be punished, however, we will ultimately survive the hardships and recover. The Ha’azinu Song describes not what ought to be, nor what must be, but rather what will be. This Song constitutes a true and faithful witness, for it explicitly spells out all that will befall us.  It begins by describing G-d’s compassion by taking us to Him as His portion and recalling how He took care of us in the wilderness.  He caused us to possess the land of great and powerful nations, and we enjoyed goodness, wealth, and honor in the Holy Land.  Despite all this goodness the Israelites became complacent, demonstrated ingratitude, rebelled against G-d, and served idolatry.  G-d responded in anger, and the Israelites were stricken with pestilence, famine, wild beasts, and the sword until they were exiled and scattered to every corner of the globe.  These historical facts are well known. G-d has given us a mission in the world, a unique responsibility that sets us apart from other people. Throughout our history, we often oppose our mission to adopt other nations’ worldviews and ways of life. Yet, our attempts to surrender our legacy will never entirely succeed, for though we may stray far from our spiritual heritage, our identity and destiny will always remain bound up with the name of the G-d of Israel.  Conversely, though mighty nations may rise up to destroy us, they will never succeed. In the end, G-d will return to His people and return them to His land, if not due to our merits then for the sake of ‘His great Name.’ The Song proclaims that in the end, Hashem will exact vengeance on our enemies, for all their oppressive cruelty, which had as its underlying motivation a hatred for G-d, rather than simply an antipathy toward the Jews. This final vindication refers to the Future Redemption, that the Jewish people are promised. Through our redemption, the return of G-d’s presence to the world will also inevitably transpire, and the purpose of Creation will finally be realized (based on Ramban, Devarim 32:40).

Gratitude Focus for the Week of Parashat Ha’azinu –
Tips on Recognizing Goodness that Opens the Door of Redemption

When we don’t recognize any goodness in our lives and focus solely on the negative it can cause us to accumulate negative feelings about the past and the present and develop a pessimistic attitude toward the possibilities of repairing things in the future. However, when we acknowledge the good, this recognition develops positive feelings and we become more optimistic, believing in the possibility to improve and advance.

  •      We clearly see Hashem’s protective miracles in the current war. It has been reported that soldiers were repeatedly surprised by attacking Arabs whose guns suddenly didn’t work, giving the IDF just enough time to pull their act together and shoot the terrorists first.
  • Iran’s attack before Pesach was also miraculous. Iran sent 331 missiles in one go. The Iron Dome can shoot down a single enemy missile with 95% accuracy, yet the Iron Dome CANNOT handle 331 missiles sent simultaneously, some of them massive. It wasn’t a joke when the Iranians said they were going to wipe out all of Israel. Yet 99% of their missiles did not even enter Israeli airspace. A month later the president of Iran who’d ordered that failed missile barrage on Israel died in a helicopter crash.
  • There was a terror attack right before Pesach in Jerusalem, crowds of hundreds of adults and children burning their chametz, and the terrorists’ guns didn’t work. Afterward, the police checked the guns, and they worked perfectly.
  • In a BBC interview with one of the heads of the Chamas, the interviewer asked him: You’re working so many years on these missiles yet you’re missing your targets 98% of the time. The Chamas leader answered him: I want you to know that we have it down to perfection. We should be hitting our targets 98% of the time instead of missing 98% of the time. But “the Allah of the Jews loves them, and he moves our missile to the right or to the left to miss them.”

Thank You Hashem for loving us, please continue watching over us in these scary times! (Based on Revealed Miracles Since October 7th by Rebbetzin Rena Tarshish).
Recognizing goodness not only represents the right approach but also opens the door to a better future.  

  •   Showing Gratitude When all is Well can be a Challenge for Some – But there are times in our lives when it is very hard to thank and praise G-d! There are times when even hard to hold on to hope!  But there is hope even for a tree. If it is cut down, it will sprout up again and new shoots will not fail, as it states, “For a tree has hope; If it is cut down, it will sprout again, and its new shoots will not fail” (Iyuv 14:7). Sometimes it feels like we are cut down in life. We think this might be the end. This is not true. G-d can change things. He can bring new life.  
  • When someone says, “I lost my faith in this crisis” – my response is: “Get rid of that faith. That faith is not worth a single penny.” Anybody can have emunah and praise Hashem when the sky is blue, and the sun is shining. But if you maintain emunah when things go wrong that is true emunah. Giving thanks for everything shows that you know in your heart that G-d is greater than any struggle and that He can help you solve all difficulties if you approach Him with a broken and humble heart.
  • Keep Praying Even When You Don’t Feel Like It – We keep our emunah even when we are hurting. Our Emunah keeps us serving Hashem no matter what.  Sometimes I am not in the mood. I do it anyway for the sake of the mitzvah. 
  • Express Your Gratitude – In addition to feeling gratitude, it is important that you express it through your attitudes and words. You have to give thanks to G-d, but also tell people how grateful you are for their presence in your life, show to them how important someone’s help was to you. Share and express gratitude and you will have a great life. Learn to appreciate the small things and give thanks to G-d in all circumstances.
    If you’re going to wait to feel grateful and happy when good things happen such as a job promotion or buying a new house, you’ll not experience the power of gratitude in your life.
    To enjoy the benefits of gratitude, you need to appreciate what you have, especially the little things. Gratitude opens the doors to miracles! 
    If you’re going to wait to feel grateful and happy when good things happen such as a job promotion or buying a new house, you’ll not experience the power of gratitude in your life. 
  • Replace Complaints with Gratitude – Recognize that G-d is taking care of you and that you trust Him in every situation. Try to see the good side of every situation. For example, if you find yourself feeling down because it’s cold or raining and you need to get up for work, you’ll soon remember that at least you have a job and many people don’t. Replace complaints with gratitude and you will see G-d working many miracles in your life.
  • Thank G-d Today for Simply Being Alive and Breathing – Many people struggle to even breathe! Have you thanked Him for your health? There are so many people sick fighting for their lives. Do you always thank G-d before eating your meals? Because many people don’t have anything to eat. 
  • Stop Complaining and Express Your Gratitude – for Gratitude opens doors to miracles! May Hashem bless you and help you to live in gratitude! 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Parashat Nitzavim-Vayelech: How Do We Reveal Hashem’s Presence Within the Darkest Darkness?

Printable Version

Parashat Nitzavim-Vayelech
How Do We Reveal Hashem’s Presence Within the Darkest Darkness? 

What blocks the Divine Light from illuminating my Life and making it fruitful?
This morning, as I examined my vegetable patch in my back garden, I noticed that the pepper plants I had planted a while back were all alive and growing, but none sprouted a single pepper fruit. In the past, I was able to grow an abundance of cherry tomatoes and pepper fruits in that same spot. What had changed? I lifted my face upward and noticed how both the mulberry and the pecan trees had grown to become humongous, overhanging and shading my little vegetable patch. These trees were hiding all the light from my poor vegetables, preventing them from truly flourishing. At times we can all identify with my unproductive pepper plants. We may be working hard to grow and let grow, trying many different avenues, but something is blocked. We may bump into one iron barricade after the other, each one seemingly more impenetrable. “Why? Why is this happening to me?” We ask ourselves. “What does Hashem want from me?” It all comes down to bringing more light into our lives. Light is the most essential element for all growth. Just as my pepper plants need light to produce fruits, we also need to unblock all the iron barricades that block the light from shining through. “Yes,” I’m thinking to myself, “I will need to have the trees pruned to let in the light.” But what are ‘the trees’ in my life that block the light from entering my personal path? Now before Rosh Hashana is the time to reflect on our lives and return to Hashem, to allow His Divine Light to penetrate our mind, body, and soul. Especially at this time, we all need to ask ourselves, How can I open the physical, emotional, and spiritual blocks that prevent me from letting Hashem’s light enter? Which thoughts, speech, or actions block the Divine Light from illuminating my life and making it fruitful?

Can We Temper Our Desire for the Revelation of the Final Redemption?
With the war in Israel lingering on, it is easy to lose hope. Never in the history of the State of Israel have we undergone such an extended war. Although we experience glimpses of Hashem’s light shining through the miracles He performs and the victories He generates for us, it is still hard to stay connected to the Light of Hashem through all the pain of accumulated burials of young life before yielding fruit. How can we bear the increasing number of widows, orphans, and soldiers wounded for life? It is like the pressure is building up, and we are almost exploding in our yearning for Hashem to reveal ALL His light and bring us Geulah (the final redemption) already. Little glimpses of light are not enough. “We want Mashiach now, we don’t want to wait!” In the past, I didn’t connect to this song, as Rambam clearly states that we patiently must await the Mashiach, so how could we demand him to come now?  

“Anyone who does not believe in him, or does not await his coming, denies not only the statements of the other prophets but those of the Torah and Moshe, our teacher. The Torah testified to his coming, as it states:

“G-d will bring back your captivity and have mercy upon you. He will again gather you from among the nations... Even if your Diaspora is at the ends of the heavens, G-d will gather you up from there... and bring you to the land...” (Devarim 30-3-5). These explicit words of the Torah include all the statements made by all the prophets Rambam, Mishnah Torah, Hilchot Melachim 11:1).

I understood these laws of the Rambam to refer to the  B’nei Efraim who met their early death because they left Egypt before its time, as Rashi explains based on the Mechilta: “…They slew the children of Efraim, who hastened the end and went out [of Egypt] forcibly, as delineated in (I Divrei Hayamim 7:21-22); (Rashi, Shemot 15:14). Based on the Rambam and the story of the B’nei Efraim, I believe that we must be patient and not push for Mashiach before it’s time, just like we cannot push out the baby before the womb is sufficiently dilated. Yet, on the other hand, something is happening in Israel that is beyond the rational. The tension is building up so strongly that it’s impossible to be patient, for we cannot temper our desire to finally release this built-up tension through the revelation of the final redemption.

Overcoming the Tendency to Believe That G-D is no Longer in Our Midst
How will we reveal Hashem’s light to dwell among us? To answer this question, we must ask ourselves, “What caused the darkness in the first place?” Parashat Vayelech gives us a clue:

ספר דברים פרק לא  פסוק יז וְחָרָה אַפִּי בוֹ בַיּוֹם הַהוּא וַעֲזַבְתִּים וְהִסְתַּרְתִּי פָנַי מֵהֶם וְהָיָה לֶאֱכֹל וּמְצָאֻהוּ רָעוֹת רַבּוֹת וְצָרוֹת וְאָמַר בַּיּוֹם הַהוּא הֲלֹא עַל כִּי אֵין אֱלֹהַי בְּקִרְבִּי מְצָאוּנִי הָרָעוֹת הָאֵלֶּה(יח) וְאָנֹכִי הַסְתֵּר אַסְתִּיר פָּנַי בַּיּוֹם הַהוּא עַל כָּל הָרָעָה אֲשֶׁר עָשָׂה כִּי פָנָה אֶל אֱלֹהִים אֲחֵרִים:
“Then My fury will rage against them on that day, and I will abandon them and hide My face from them, and they will be consumed, and many evils and troubles will befall them, and they will say on that day, ‘Is it not because our G-d is no longer in my midst, that these evils have befallen me?’ I will hide My face on that day, because of all the evil they have committed, when they turned to other deities” (Devarim 31:17-18).

According to Netivot Shalom, when the Jewish people experienced trouble, they complained that the source of their troubles was that G-d no longer was in their midst. Rather than feeling pain for their essential separation from G-d, their pain was due to the troubles they experienced. They were focusing on the pain of their troubles and blaming them on G-d’s withdrawing His Presence, rather than focusing on the pain of losing their closeness to G-d. By accepting that G-d was no longer in their midst as an unchangeable fact, they showed a lack of emunah that Hashem always dwells among us even within our impurity (Vayikra 16:17). Since every Jew is a part of the Divine, no power can disconnect us from our Heavenly Father, unless we want to disconnect, G-d forbid. Hashem’s hiding His face is like a father who sometimes hides himself from his son, without abandoning him even for a moment. He just wants to test His son, for the wise son knows that it can’t be that his Father would forsake him. Rather he believes that Hashem always watches over him with Divine supervision. Even if he, (G-d forbid) committed the worst kind of sin, he must believe that Hashem always accepts his heartfelt penitent prayer. The main goal of the yetzer hara (negative impulse) is not to make someone sin, rather it is to cause a feeling of despair following the sin, to make him feel that G-d has completely forsaken him due to his depravity. We must be strong against this temptation of despair and believe that Hashem never forsakes us. He only hides His face from us. Therefore, the biggest flaw is not the sin in itself – however severe – but the faulty belief that “G-d is no longer in my midst” which brings about the ripple effect that “G-d will hide His face on that day…” The double languageהַסְתֵּר אַסְתִּיר /haster astir – “hide, I will hide” corresponds to the double hiding, due to the sin itself, but even more so due to the sin of falling into despair.

The Shechinah Resides Within the Darkest Partitions
The dividing walls we experience between us and Hashem are caused by lust, bad character traits, annoyances due to worldly matters, and grief caused by painful experiences. Each of these comprises a dividing wall blocking us from reaching our Blessed Creator. Yet, none of these dividing partitions are as troublesome as the partition implanted in a Jew’s heart making him believe he is far from Hashem. Falling prey to despair that there is no healing for feeling separated from Hashem, G-d forbid, results in truly moving away and disconnecting from Hashem’s presence. This faulty belief is the hardest dividing wall, worse than the separations caused by lust or confusion. We must strengthen our belief that all the dividing walls are only illusions. We do have the ability to skip over them all and reveal the King. “From the depths of the husks we can call out to Hashem, as it states, “From the depths I have called You, O Hashem.” (Tehillim 130:1). Even an iron barricade cannot separate between Israel and our Heavenly Father. “But Hashem took you and brought you out of the iron pot, out of Egypt, to be His people” (Devarim 4:20). Even if a Jew sins, he always remains a Jew (Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 44a).  During the revelation at Sinai, there were three partitions of darkness hiding Hashem: חֹשֶׁךְ/Chosheh – “darkness,” עָנָן/anan – “cloud,” and עֲרָפֶל/arafel “thick fog” or “thick darkness” (Devarim 4:11). The latter was the densest of all the separations. Nevertheless, “Moshe drew near to the thick darkness where G-d was” (Shemot 20:18). In order to come close to Hashem we need to go through each of the three dark partitions while believing with steadfast emunah that it is precisely within the darkest darkness that we can find Hashem. The numerical value of the Hebrew word הָעֲרָפֶל/ha’arafel – ‘thick fog’ equals הַשְּׁכִינָה/HaShechinah – ‘the Shechinah.’ As King Shlomo proclaimed, “Hashem said that He would dwell in the עֲרָפֶל/arafel – ‘thick darkness” (I Melachim 8:12). Likewise, Moshe revealed that it is specifically within the very darkest darkness that G-d resides! So instead of moaning over feeling separated from Hashem through iron barricades, we can be grateful for the dividing walls which can serve as portals to get even closer to the light of the Divine indwelling Presence hiding precisely within the darkest dividing wall. The more we strengthen our emunah that the Divine light is found within our darkness, the more we will be able to reveal the light!

Gratitude Focus for the Week of Parashat Vayelech –
Tips on Unblocking the Dark Dividing Walls that Separate Between Us and G-d

Hashem incorporated in creation, day and night – light and darkness. It is natural to experience ups and downs – ebbs and flows of closeness and separation from Hashem. The lows help us appreciate the highs so much more. While it is challenging to experience the hiding of Hashem’s Face in our lives, it helps when we remember that this spiritual darkness is part of a movement toward the light, without night we wouldn’t even notice the break of day. Like the waves in the ocean, at times we rise to our peak, and at other times we fall down in a thunderous crash. Life is about riding the waves, not allowing ourselves to go under – by being swallowed by the darkest sea-bed in a bone-breaking crash. Rather we must keep riding the waves as the cycle continues until the tide changes in gloaming light. Below are some practical tips for riding the waves, to reveal His light even within the darkest dark.

·       When You Open Your Eyes in the Morning, Recite Modeh Ani With Thankful Intentions – that Hashem woke you up from the darkness of night, to offer you a new delightful day. Awake with belief in G-d, for He believes in you and grants you another day to search for and discover His light. Hashem is playing the hide-and-seek game we used to play as kids. Let’s tackle the challenge with childish playfulness and gratitude.

·       Amplify and Spread Hashem’s Light by Reaching out to Others – There is no sweeter medicine for a bitter soul than to do a mitzvah and kindness for others. Visiting a sick person, helping take care of her needs, welcoming a new neighbor with a fruit basket, baking a cake for a simcha (happy occasion), and supporting a needy person. These are just a few examples of how you can elevate yourself through raising others.

·       Count Your Blessings and be Thankful for Being in a Better Place – Recalling even the little drops of goodness in your life will help you feel closer to Hashem, the Source of your blessings. I love this story of Rachel and Rabbi Akiva: When the daughter of Kalba Shavu’a betrothed herself to Rabbi Akiva, her father vowed to dispossess her. The young couple were so poor they had to sleep on straw, and Rabbi Akiva had to pick out the straw from his hair… Later Eliyahu came to them in the guise of a beggar who cried out at the door: “Give me some straw, for my wife in her confinement. I have nothing for her to lie on.” “See!” Rabbi Akiva observed to his wife, “There is even someone poorer than us, this man who lacks even straw” (Babylonian Talmud, Nedarim 50a).

·       Speak to Hashem and Call Him to Come out of His Hiding – If you feel far from Hashem, and are stumbling over walls of division, cry out from the depth of your desperation. Your yearning for Divine revelation will draw the Divine presence to you and uncover His hiding. Use your darkest moments as a springboard to bring about the greatest revelations in your life!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Parashat Ki Tavo: How Does the Mitzvah of The First Fruit Offering Inculcate Gratitude?

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Parashat Ki Tavo
How Does the Mitzvah of The First Fruit Offering Inculcate Gratitude? 

Struggling to Notice the Blessings While Living in Limbo
Recently I have been feeling a bit down. The long-winding war and all the other long-winding matters in its wake are difficult to carry. Although I teach my students daily to “keep up the good emunah!” At times I, myself, struggle with living in limbo. Sometimes I ask myself and Hashem about all the things I keep praying for every single day, “What’s gonna be? What’s gonna be?” A picture of wounded soldiers with steel legs stirred my soul and made my tears flow, thinking of the hardships facing these brave young men and their families for years to come. While it aroused much sadness in my heart, this picture simultaneously instilled a feeling of immense gratitude, for my own lot in life. It’s like when I was a kid, and my parents reminded me about the starving children in Africa, and how grateful I ought to be to have my needs met in abundance. Today, in the Western world when most of us have our basic physical needs met, I believe our main problem is loneliness – that arises from not feeling understood. One of my spiritual healing clients complained that she was unhappy and lonely. It turned out that this woman was a successful professional, and although she had suffered much grief in the past, she was surrounded by children and grandchildren one of whom even lived with her. She had a good friend with whom she did weekly excursions, and a Torah community, where she was actively performing various acts of chesed.  So, why was she unhappy and lonely? Because she had programmed herself to focus on the glass being half empty! In my experience, it is not success and wealth that bring about happiness, it is our attitude to notice the blessings in our lives even if they hide behind a murky façade.  So, even if things don’t go our way – especially when they don’t – it is time to count our blessings. That’s what makes them increase. As I pray for all single women to find their soulmate, I thank G-d for the wonderful, supportive, loyal husband who loves me! While praying for our soldiers’ protection and healing of the wounded, I remind myself to thank Hashem for having two healthy, able-bodied sons. In my concern for the Jews in exile and prayer for their speedy return to the land of Israel, I thank Hashem that I have the merit to live in the Promised Land, in the scenic Village of Bat Ayin, tending a beautiful home with a large surrounding garden. Even if not all the plants and flowers survive, and although the fruit has worms that I spend hours cutting off, I must focus on the beauty of the flowers that do bloom and the divine taste of the fruit wedges I do manage to salvage.

The Ultimate Blessing is Being Aware of the Benefits We Receive
“Who is rich? He who rejoices from his lot” (Pirke Avot 4:1). Rashi adds that we may have all the riches in the world, but if we are unable to appreciate our blessings, we are no better off than the poorest of the poor.  This concept is elucidated in Parashat Ki Tavo, in the introduction to listing the blessings: “All these blessings will come upon you, and they will reach you…” (Devarim 28:2). What does it mean that the blessings “will reach you?” We learn from this expression that the ultimate blessing is to be aware of the benefits we receive. We can only truly be blessed when the blessings reach us deep within – when we become aware of and internalize the appreciation for our blessings. Gratitude is so central to Judaism that we begin every day with “modeh ani,” thanking Hashem for believing in us and granting us another day to serve Him. A great part of our prayers are blessings of thanksgiving. Furthermore, the blessings we make over food and for the opportunity to observe a mitzvah are for the sake of instilling the feeling of thankfulness within us. Gratitude is so essential in the Torah, that we must even extend it to inanimate objects. Moshe didn’t strike the Nile, since it protected him as an infant. Instead, Aharon hit it to bring about the plague of blood or frogs (Midrash Tanchuma, Va’era 14). By showing gratitude even to objects that lack feelings, a person acquires hakarat hatov (recognition of the good) as a character trait not necessarily dependent on the emotional state of the other party. Hence, failing to have gratitude for inanimate objects constitutes a character flaw, as Meiri explains (Bava Kama 92b) regarding the ingratitude of throwing a stone into a well from which we drunk: “Anyone who does this demonstrates a lack of good character and a debased and despicable nature.” Showing gratitude to inanimate objects fosters the trait, so a person will subsequently express gratitude to people who benefit them (Rabbi Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler, Michtav M’Eliyahu III, pp. 95-101). Whereas Heaven determines our lot in life and its gifts, we employ our free will through our attitude to whatever life dishes out for us. It may be more natural to notice the lacks, and occasions for dissatisfaction and sorrow, yet we rise to our greatness precisely by making the extra effort to search for the nuggets of blessings in our lives. With “an attitude of gratitude,” we learn to recognize the blessing of the simple and important things in life such as a roof over our heads, healthy children, food to eat, and a family to love. “What more do we need?” (Based on Dr. Laura Segall, Gratitude – Parashat Ki Tavo).

The Essence of the Mitzvah of the First Fruit Offering is Expressing Gratitude
One of the main mitzvot designated to inculcate gratitude is Mitzvat Bikkurim – The mitzvah of the First fruit offering. Indeed, the “essence of the mitzvah of bikkurim is gratitude” (Rabbi A. Twersky MD).

ספר דברים פרק כו פסוק ג וּבָאתָ אֶל הַכֹּהֵן אֲשֶׁר יִהְיֶה בַּיָּמִים הָהֵם וְאָמַרְתָּ אֵלָיו...
“You shall come to the kohen who will be [serving] in those days and say to him…” (Devarim 26:3).

“…And say to him: that you are not ungrateful [for all that Hashem has done for you]” (Rashi). The foundation of the mitzvah of bringing bikkurim lies in our appreciation for the Creator, as expressed in the text read during the bikkurim when we recall the goodness of our Creator who raised us out of lowliness to possess the Holy Land and grow its blessed fruit. “For we were commanded to recount His kindnesses which He has bestowed upon us, and which has saved us” (Rambam (Sefer Hamitzvot, Positive Mitzvah 132). The expression of gratitude for the fruit we receive is cause for great celebration. This gratitude refers to the recitation that accompanies the first fruit offering from the seven species of the Land of Israel, (Devarim 8:8), during Temple times. It is the only offering in the Torah preceded by a speech, there was musical accompaniment, and the Levi’im sang their greetings to the fruit bearers, bringing a real element of simcha, joy, to the event. The Bikkurim Recital is a brief synopsis of how the Jewish people began through lowliness, slavery, and suffering, emphasizing that it was only by the grace of G-d that we were liberated and granted the land of Israel. This recital is an act of appreciation for the bounty provided by Hashem. Without the exodus and Divine assistance in conquering the land of Canaan, there would be no Jewish nation in the land of Israel. Without Hashem’s blessings, there would be no produce. The narrative of goodness, beginning with Ya’acov and Lavan and culminating with bringing the first fruits of our land to the Temple, also encompasses the measure of humility, the ability of a person to recognize that everything comes from G-d, as Rambam said (Guide for the Perplexed III §39). Sefer HaChinuch describes the message of the recitation: “It is suitable for us to awaken our heart with the words of our mouth and contemplate that everything we have comes from the Master of the Universe. We must recount G-d’s kindness, upon us and the people of Israel.” The sentence following the recitation states, “And you shall rejoice in all the good granted to you by Hashem your G-d” (Devarim 26:11). Once we verbalize our gratitude to Hashem, we can truly rejoice over all the goodness He keeps granting us!

Gratitude Focus for the Week of Parashat Ki Tavo –
Tips on Expressing Your Gratitude to Hashem and Anyone Who has Benefitted Us

The mitzvah of bikkurim, which expresses gratitude for G-d’s goodness, “is most essential, for it is the foundation of all things and encompasses everything” (Rabbi Moshe Alshich, Devarim 26:1). The offering of the ‘first’ of everything we have represents our recognition that G-d is the Master of ALL our possessions and that He is the source of our bounty. What is the trait of hakarat hatov? (recognizing the good) We must show gratitude to those who help us. Just as we would show our appreciation for Hashem with our first fruit gift basket during temple times, sending a gift to anyone who has benefited us is a way to say a lot without many words. The late motivational writer William Arthur Ward said: “Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” Let’s remember to show appreciation to Hashem – the Source of our blessings and extend our appreciation to anyone who has done us a favor!

  • Make a Conscious Effort to Dedicate the Beginning of Everything You Do to Hashem – as appreciation for His blessings. The Biala Rebbe explains based on his father’s teachings the Divrei Bina that in every matter a person needs to make a conscious effort that its beginning should be for the sake of heaven, for everything goes after the beginning. In heaven, they calculate mainly the beginning of the thoughts of a person, whether through fulfilling the Torah and the Mitzvot, or through physical matters, the beginning of intention needs to be for Hashem. When we have pure intentions in our every deed, to dedicate its beginning to Hashem, we fulfill the mitzvah of Bikurim even more than during Temple times! (Rabbi Ben Tzion Rabinowitz, Shulchan Adam Mekaper, A Person’s Table Atones, Chapter 5). 
  • How do We Best Thank Someone Who Has Helped Us? – Should we always give a gift in return, or is simply saying “thank you” enough? There is no black-and-white answer to this question. Often, just “thanks,” combined with other words of appreciation, is a sufficient way of showing appreciation. Yet, giving a gift, flowers, fruit, a bottle of wine or a plant is a beautiful way of showing appreciation to anyone who has helped us. 
  • Give gifts of Appreciation to those who have Extended Themselves to You – There is no better way to show appreciation than through gift giving. Although it’s the intention that counts try to carefully select a gift that the receiver will appreciate. Just as the first fruit offering was presented in a beautifully decorated basket, gifts should be nicely wrapped; presentation is as important as the content.
  • Send a Real Snail Mail Thank You Letter of Appreciation – to someone who hosted you for a meal, visited you when you were sick, or helped you during other hardships.
  • Choose a Gift Your Recipient Will Love – Choosing a thank-you gift requires thought and creativity. The primary reason we get a thank-you gift is to show appreciation, which means taking the time to find something the receiver will enjoy. When choosing a thank-you gift, let the recipient’s interests guide your choices. Consider who they are and their hobbies, and then keep your selection in line with something you believe they’ll love. Thank-you gifts are from the heart. Selecting a particular kind of flower or plant that you think the recipient loves is sensible. Get her something related to her passion, that she likely will use and enjoy. The bikkurim was presented beautifully, likewise, a beautifully wrapped gift shows more appreciation.     
  • A Thank-You Gift Should Always Include a Heartfelt Thank-You Note – If someone has gone out of their way for you, then including written words along with your gift makes the gesture much more meaningful. Whether you handwrite a letter or include a gift tag with the recipient’s name and a short message, making it personal gives it a special touch. Here is an example of a thank-you note:

Dear [Name], 
Thank you so much for [favor/act of kindness]. You’re an amazing person, and your generosity means a lot to me. I know how much you love [reason you chose the gift], so when I saw this [gift], I knew I had to get it for you. Enjoy!
[Your Name]
  • How to Express Your Appreciation When Giving a Gift – Verbally letting someone know how grateful you are for their generosity is a lovely gesture they’re sure to appreciate. If you’re at a loss for words when presenting a thank-you gift, then it is best to keep it short and simple.            
  • Put Effort into Expressing Thanks But Don’t Overthink It – The effort you spend on a gift will be noticed and appreciated. The bottom line is to put your heart into it. Ironically, putting too much thought into selecting a gift can lead to choosing a gift that represents your own ideas instead of something the recipient would actually want. A thank-you gift is a wonderful way to show your appreciation while leaving a lasting impression. Sending a thank you gift, such as wine, sweet treats, personalized gifts, or thank you baskets, is never a bad idea, and even the smallest gesture can go a long way. Gratitude never goes out of style.