Although I don’t consider myself extreme, I’ve been seriously health conscious most of my life. Yet, I’m certainly moderate compared to some of my raw-food dietitian mentors, such as Shoshanna Harrari, but that, of course, is all relative. I try to eat organic, for the most part. I will never consume inorganic grapes or strawberries since they are especially heavily sprayed with poisonous pesticides. The other day, my husband bought me a fresh-squeezed juice at a juice bar in the Yehuda Market of Jerusalem. However, since it included strawberry juice, I wouldn’t touch it. So, he gave the Nis-20 juice away to a passerby. I also avoid medicine like the plague. I don’t recall ever having taken as much as an aspirin. My medicine cabinet includes valerian, passionflower, sage, elderberries, and thyme. I laugh, when my husband, the doctor, tells me about new medical research, proving the benefits of various herbs, that we in the herbal community knew about all along.
Torah wisdom from Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum
Author, EmunaHealer, Founder and Director of Midreshet B'erot Bat Ayin
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Why Did I Choose to Get Vaccinated Against COVID-19? Part I.
Why am I telling you all this? Being an environmentalist, who lives a holistic life, would naturally place me in the anti-vaccine camp, but I am not a conformer to any kind of herd mentality. I try to remain not only an independent thinker, but I also follow my heart and my inner intuition. Having to make a decision about the COVID-19 vaccination came upon me suddenly and unexpectedly. Less than three months after I first realized the choice before me, I find myself one of the 6% of Bat Ayin residents, who have received two vaccination doses. It’s already been a while after the second dose, and despite the horror stories told on the web, we, Baruch Hashem, still remain alive to tell the story.
So, I will try to share with you here, why, despite being a person who avoids modern medicine as much as possible, I decided to get vaccinated against COVID-19. This, notwithstanding the sea of anti-Vaxxer warning YouTubes, I’ve been flooded with by my herbal community. Since there is so much to say, and you may not have time to read to the end, I will encapsulate here the main decisive factor that convinced me to make the sacrifice and take the risk of the vaccination. The main Torah principle I live by is: that no matter what, saving lives overrides everything else. To save lives, we are even permitted to break the holy Shabbat, so surely, we must be willing to take future health risks for the sake of saving current lives.
What is the Torah Criteria for Deciding Who to Trust When Truth is Absent
One of the signs of the forthcoming redemption is ‘conflicting information overload.’ It is becoming more and more difficult to tell truth from lies, as it states, “In the times of the approach of Mashiach, impudence will increase… and truth will become absent” (Babylonian Talmud, Sotah 49b). This notion explains why so many people today are being misinformed about the COVID-19 vaccines. Not being a scientist, I’m unqualified to investigate the biochemical operations of the various vaccines available and decipher the real truth about vaccines, as Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, one of the greatest current Zionist halachic authorities in Israel, writes: “There is no point in reading articles refuting the vaccine because a non-professional reader has no ability to assess the arguments and check the data…” Yet, having received a solid Torah foundation helped me decide whom to trust. Jewish law mandates trusting medical experts on medical issues. For example, on Yom Kippur, a sick person must be fed according to the decision of a medical expert (Mishna Yoma 82a). Even when the patient himself doesn’t want to eat, but a physician – even a non-Jew – says that he has to eat, the patient must be given food as directed by the doctor, provided he is a מוּמְחֶה/mumche – ‘expert’ (Shulchan Aruch Harav 618:2). What is the halachic criterion for determining who is an ‘expert’? Simply, an expert is someone endorsed by other experts. A medical expert is a well-known specialist in his field or someone who has published scientific articles, that are endorsed and cited by other medical experts. The Torah instructs us that in matters of medicine, we must act in accordance with the majority of doctors. The vast majority of doctors, who are experts in maintaining health, hold that it is very important to be vaccinated. Therefore, it is a mitzvah to listen to them (Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, Vaccination against the Corona Virus, January 1, 2021). I resonate with Rabbi Eliezer Melamed’s attitude, to give leeway to doctors and specialists, who oppose the vaccine, to prove their point. “It would be valuable if they delved into their research and attempted to prove their position – perhaps they could benefit the entire world… In any case, the ones who need to determine whether the claims of those who oppose the vaccine are convincing, are the majority of experts in the field of medicine” (Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, Ibid.). Today, through social media, any charismatic charlatan can say whatever he feels like to thousands of people through his YouTube channel. But, why should I believe him or her? What is the reliability of such and such so-called expert? Who endorsed them and their ‘scientific’ articles?
Checking the Credibility of Some Anti-Vaxxers
Actually, the multitude of Anti-Vaxxer messages I receive, are mainly YouTube broadcasts, rather than published scientific articles. I didn’t find any of their scientific articles published in reputable medical journals. Their names do not appear in accepted medical platforms such as PubMed; MedScape; WebMD; WHO; American Medical Association etc. To this, you may respond that these are all agents of the accepted medical establishment, who work for ‘Big Pharma’ and are part of the conspiracy to control humanity. I can only answer, that the consensus among past and present halachic authorities, is that these are the medical experts that must be relied upon in medical issues. In addition, I personally know many physicians, who could be considered part of the so-called ‘conspiracy,’ and I can tell you, that none of them have yet grown horns.
On the other hand, the ‘conspiracy believers’ do not get such good reviews to their credit. For example, Sherri Tenpenny is an American osteopath and anti-vaccination activist, who supports the disproved hypothesis that vaccines cause autism. She is the author of four books, opposing vaccination. Her 2015 lecture tour of Australia was canceled due to a public outcry over her views on vaccination, which go against the established scientific consensus. Dr. Tenpenny’s opinions, while disproved by science and criticized by medical experts, are not against the law and should be allowed a forum. (Anti-vaccination views are misguided - but not illegal. Sydney Morning-Herald. 11 January 2015).
V. A. Shiva Ayyadurai (born Vellayappa Ayyadurai Shiva, is an engineer, politician, entrepreneur, and promoter of conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, and unfounded medical claims (Breland, Ali. Wellness Influencers are Spreading Qanon Conspiracies About the Coronavirus). Ayyadurai makes the widely disputed claim to have invented email (Kolawole Emi, February 17, 2012). Similar disapproval has been given to most of the other sources sent to me, by well-meaning friends, from my wellness community. A comprehensive listing is beyond the scope of this article.
Comparing Numbers of Who Died from What
Responding to all the anti-Vaxxer claims, I’ve heard and read, could fill several books. Therefore, I’m just choosing to discuss a few claims, concerning which I just cannot remain silent. I was shocked by what I heard on Sherri Tenpenny’s YouTube warning, against the danger of the COVID-19 vaccine. Who is she to make a prophecy of doom that everyone who gets the vaccine will die within a year? This kind of scare-technique goes against all medical ethics and certainly has not been verified. The Phase 3 clinical trial of BNT162b2 began on July 27 and enrolled 43,661 participants. As of November 13, 2020, 41,135 have received a second dose of the vaccine. This is more than four months ago when according to Tenpenny they were already supposed to have experienced the severe fatal symptoms. Tenpenny’s claim, that an outrageous number of ‘vaccine victims’ who already ‘died’ of anaphylactic shock immediately after receiving the vaccine, is also completely incorrect. Out of 13,794,904 people who received the vaccine, a total of 113 deaths were reported to VAERS, 65% of which were among LTCF [Long-term Care Facilities] residents. This is a death rate of 0.00081914 % of those vaccinated. Compare this number with the 3% death rate of those infected with COVID-19 globally! That’s more than a 10.000% higher mortality! There seems to be a double standard among the Anti-Vaxxers. Regarding those who died after receiving the vaccine, they maintain that the vaccine caused their death, but concerning those who died of COVID-19 it is claimed: “The number of deaths that have actually been caused by COVID-19 is entirely speculative. There have been countless reports from all over the world that hospitals have been listing COVID as the cause of death, even when patients died of entirely unrelated causes…”
Is the Current Pandemic Invented by Big Pharma?
Time and again, I had to listen to people claiming that there is no pandemic! “Whistleblowers have reported being instructed to list COVID as the cause of death if even a tiny, harmless trace of the virus was found in the body.” Oh, come on! Do I really have to document that hospitals the world over are filled to the brim with Corona patients, and many have been running out of drugs, beds and ventilators? How can anyone claim that there is no pandemic when more than 2½ million people have passed away of COVID-19? Who doesn’t know someone who has succumbed to this terrible plague? To those who claim that although Rabbi, Dr. Avraham Twerski died from Corona at the age of 90, he was old and would have died anyway, I will counter, that without COVID-19, He may possibly have lived another year or even decade, granting the world another brilliant book or even ten!
Stay tuned for Part II of this article, which will be featured next week, Parashat Tzav. It will discuss the following topics: Has the COVID-19 vaccine been properly tested? What do the Rabbis Say? Torah Sources on vaccinations, and finally I will share what personally convinced me to get vaccinated.
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This is so wrong and misleading.
When it comes to our Gd-given bodies, our holy-of-holies, it behooves each one of us to do our own research/risk-benefit analysis and not blindly listen to rabbis or even doctors. This is very comprehensive and intelligent:
ReplyDeleteBut if you won't listen to doctors, scientists or epidemiologists, who will you listen to? Some anti-vaxxer like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. whose undergraduate degree is in American history and literature, but not science, medicine, infectious diseases et. al.?
Delete(For the record, I did an undergraduate degree in American history and literature. And although I can descant at length about the Progressive period in American politics, I'd be hard-pressed to do the same about the spread of Covid-19).
Will you do your own "research" (sic) every time another medical question, dilemma, disease or pandemic surfaces?
I'd much rather blindly follow a physician, than a congenital ignoramus like "doctor" (sic) Sherri Tenpenny who, as an osteopath, likely knows as much about epidemiology as I know about osteopathy which isn't a heck of a lot!
This is so very disappointing. No special expertise is needed to know that a fast-tracked, non FDA approved, one-size-fits-all gene therapy pharmaceutical product that has not even been tested on animals for long-term safety (let alone on humans), is not something that everyone wants to jump to take, especially for a disease with an over 99% survival rate in the overwhelming majority of people. The manufacturers also have zero liability for injuries or death, which is ludicrous. Take the vaccine if you want it, everyone should have that individual choice, but please use your seichel and understand why some people will be refusing. Informed consent is THE foundation of the Nuremberg Code. People should be encouraged to find out all they can about a pharmaceutical product, its potential benefits and also its risks, before they accept, so they can make the best choice for themselves. And whatever they decide in the end, after reviewing the risks and benefits for themselves, is, frankly, none of your business.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree that everyone must make their own choice regarding their lives and bodies. I am only sharing why I made the choice to get vaccinated, for the sake of saving lives. More than 6000 people in Israel lost their lives due to covid19, but B"H the numbers of the active cases are drastically going down since the vaccine.
ReplyDeleteDid you know that the overall death rate in Israel for 2020 was not significantly different than ANY previous year? Don't you see that in the name of 'saving lives' you are promoting that others be a part of *experimental* drug trial for Pfizer, which could potentially injure and kill way more than died from Carona!? God forbid!
DeleteI personally know many people who unfortunately died of COVID, and not of something else, 'with COVID.' Whoever saves one life saves the world" this is why I wrote the article although I knew that I would get a lot of tomatoes for it. The statistics prove the way to save more lives. I do not have any more time to engage in discussions. I'm aware that I will not influence anti-waxers, but hopefully some people will recognize the truth of what I wrote.
DeleteI see that this Rebbitzen did not do her due diligence with this article, nor with her comment either. Look at the death rate on worldmeter. Israel had 300 deaths PER MONTH from corona related deaths starting from March 22, 2020 until December 19, 2020. December 20, 2020 is the day the vaccine roll out began, the day Netanyahu received his placebo. Israel's corona deaths escalated dramatically BECAUSE of the vaccine and has jumped to 300 deaths PER WEEK.
DeleteDear Rebbitzen, what has been shown to be more deadly for the Israeli population? Corona before the vaccine or corona after the vaccine?
Each person that takes this vaccine is contributing to infecting at best or killing at worst another person in the Israeli Society.
According to the vaccine scientist Bossche, after our 10 weeks of 300 deaths PER WEEK , we will now experience a lowering of the corona deaths, even possibly a platue, and then the deaths are going to skyrocket our of control.
Time to get your Tehillem ready!
Where do you get your statistics from???? The moment the over-60 age group was mostly vaccinated in Israel, new positive cases among them droppeddramatically. The vaccine works and saves lives.
DeleteAs my favorite Hungarian saying goes: "Facts are stubborn things."
Hashem gave us brains to understand that our many scientists and physicians who have worked for decades fir these vaccines to be developed— it’s a miracle — a partnership with humans and the Divine—to save lives—
Delete latest scientific explanation from Mr Geert
ReplyDeleteOne major telltale deceptive point in this blog is the use of the marketing tool to vilify those with scientific integrity like calling people “anti vaxxers”. When you see that - that disqualifies the writer from her belief in herself that she is doing Hashem’s will.
ReplyDeleteYes, confusion abounds...that’s why we must turn inward to our brilliantly Divinely designed biology for answers. With the explosion of energy healing modalities, kinisiolgy (muscle testing) has become the state of the art in getting to the root cause of obstacles to vibrant health & vitality - whether physically, emotionally, & even spiritually..
That’s just one way to determine if a vaccine or even an herb is something that will heal or enhance someone’s well being.
Rebbitzin Chana Bracha has tragically just added her name to a list of corrupted Beloved influencers who have mindlessly put themselves in a place of Divine judgement that I don’t wish on anyone...even the diabolical Billam Gates and his chevra are but puppets in our Beloved Creator’s hands to test our emunah and bitachon as individuals. Alas! Critical thinking and common sense has been lost to expert & science worship that are diametrically opposed to Torah hashkafa.
The nonsense about claiming that she is “fine” after her double dose of the mysterious substance of which only one adverse effect (the least painful of the list) is death. This woman is highly irresponsible to promote the covid injection in this way. She is completely ignorant in how to properly assess making such a life altering choice that she is already numb to.
I used to have respect for her...,if she does teshuva - she can truly do GOoD for klal Yisrael & humanity!
Chana Bracha - if you need accurate info - , Dr Zelenko , and America’s frontline doctors are pure sources. I will send you the link to a presentation of G-d fearing doctors & rabbanim on this topic.
Despite taking it - I urge you to do proper research and WARN others REJECT this WEAPON!
Please wake up!
Seriously? You should wake up. You are being misled.
DeletePlain facts disprove your claims. Rebetzin is right, quite simply.
Merriam Webster Online Dictionary anti-vaxxer noun
Deletean·ti-vax·xer | \ ˌan-tē-ˈvak-sər , ˌan-ˌtī- \
plural anti-vaxxers
Definition of anti-vaxxer
: a person who opposes vaccination or laws that mandate vaccination
Dear Rebetzin,
ReplyDeleteYour bravery in standing up for scientific truth & Torah values is very inspiring.
I love your blog post and cannot wait for Part 2!
I find it beautiful and very balanced. You are sharing your own decision making process, based on halachic authority.
You are not forcing anyone to make either choice.
I love the fact that you go against the grain in your search for truth and go whereever yiddishkeit and plain logic takes you!
I myself received both doses of the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine (2.dose 3 weeks ago) and I am very happy with my decision to do so!
Pikuach nefesh. So important.
I wish G-d fearing people listened to facts,not unfounded conspiracy theories.
I am 63 years old. I work in a children's hospital in Budapest, Hungary. Finally, a few days ago I received my first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine.
ReplyDeleteWhile I feel some minor side effects (similar to fighting a minor flu infection), I have not regretted getting the vaccine.
You are very privileged in Israel that anyone aged 16 or over can get vaccinated at any time.
I have been waiting for months to get my vaccine....
Saving lives is more important than holding onto conspiracy theories.
DeleteInteresting how the ones who have the least training in medicine and science are speaking against the vaccine the loudest.
How can anyone live with themselves if they spread the virus and cause the death of their fellow human?
Only Hashem knows the truth about vaccination but at this point refusing the vaccine seems dangerous, reckless and selfish. You may recover but you may also unwittingly kill others.
Dr. Sheila Horn
Thank You Rebbetzin for letting us know about the process you went through.
DeleteTo be honest I was and still am concerned about what this mRNA vaccine does in my body. But as a midwife I have great respect for science and also a deep awe for Hashem each time a child is born. All my midwife collegues and all our doctors had the vaccinations meanwhile. We just don´t want to do harm to any human beeing. Saving lives with the help of Hashem our skills and intuition plus
modern medicine is our daily bread. All midwives know about the self-healing powers we all have but this pandemic is something totally different. Many highly intelligent scientist admit what Sokrates already said" I know that I know nothing" and maybe in a years time scientists will prove the opposite to what most of them recommend now.
So let us just be kind to each other. Those who took the risk of vaccination help those who don´t take part in achieving the herd immunity which will be reached once 60% of the worlds population will have antibodies. Let´s just hope that all the health carers will survive the vaccination otherwise you anti vaxxers will have a big problem...
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing this. Like you, we try to live a natural lifestyle. We don't vaccinate our kids, avoid pharmaceutical drugs, and in general view our own sicknesses as messages from our holy bodies indicating the need for some change in our habits rathen than as alien influences that need to eradicated with drugs or surgery.
Nevertheless, we too decided to get the Covid vaccines. Like you, we felt that this was not so much about our own health as about helping others avoid sicknesses and helping get our socienty back to work and back to being able to be with one another.
It pains me to see you on the receiving end of hurtful comments on this forum from people who you apparently have (or had) some positive relationships with. More than Covid, I fear the harm that we do to one another and to our social fabric through the polarizing impact of social media that sharpens our differences of opinion and isolates us in our own information bubbles. May your personal integrity and the incredible work you do through your precious Midrasha bring blessings to you and your family and guard you from any harm.
Unfortunately, as Quackwatch, a website that exposes medical deception, shows, anti-vaxxers and their fellow travellers are using the Internet to sow confusion, distrust, fear and revulsion in millions of people:
Needless to say, misinformation about health and disease enjoys a long and vigorous life in the West, as these books show:
"American Health Quackery: Collected Essays of James Harvey Young,"
"The Medicine show: Consumers Union's practical guide to some everyday health problems and health products."
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteRebbetzin, thank you for being a voice of sanity amidst a sea of confusion! I hope and pray that your important article will bring clarity to others, and move them to do what is right to protect all people, and be'ezrat Hashem to bring an end to this pandemic as quickly as possible.
ReplyDeleteHonestly I could relate to a lot of what you wrote in your blog, with regard to your personal life choices as far as health, nutrition and drugs go, we are a lot alike. I thought you presented your side on this hot topic with balance and authenticity. I respect your decision to have the vaccine.
ReplyDeleteWow I am sorry to see what was ignited by you presenting this viewpoint on your blog. I commend you for your honesty. This subject has definitely created a deep split in people's opinions. One that I equate to the Trump verses Biden camps in which rumors and false facts are starting to abound like fake news, sadly a strong polarization of the people too. Getting the vaccine is a very personal choice for each one and it does really create a thought provoking challenge of what to do for those of us that are anti drug people. In Canada we don't have a lot of vaccines here so there is no pressure. Only the elderly are being vaccinated mostly so the subject is not hot like in Israel. As much as I do not want to have the vaccine, as drugs have never been a personal option for me, I have been considering my options if I am faced with this when I come to Israel. So I do value you presenting your views as you did by opening up and sharing your insights.
The greatest concern and sorrow I felt after reading the comments from your blog, is the level of intensity/extremism people are allowing themselves to engage in, which in my mind can create not only an imbalance in one's approach but I sense a deep divide stirring that resembles a form of "hatred" that is alarming and grieving my spirit.
My mother just had the shot and I was very concerned for her 88. So far B"H she has come through with flying colors and she actually experienced a healing. She suffers with terrible nerve damage pain in her arm and hand from a very severe case of shingles. She has not been able to really use her arm well or lift it for a number of years now but after having the shot she told me she has no pain and can move her arm completely so B"H for that.
Listen, Shema, I agree with the person who commented above about the extreme views and “hatred“ that is being expressed here in the comment section. I believe it is fine for people to disagree with the author, but to denigrate her or to claim that she needs to do Tshuvah, is a Shanda and a Chilul HASHEM. The author has had the courage to bring up this issue and she wrote about it with positive intention and respect.
ReplyDeleteBut whether or not you agree or disagree with her, please keep your comments to the TOPIC, without making a judgment of the author’s character or spiritual standing. The Rebbetzin is a dedicated, deeply religious, reverence-filled teacher who spends her days and nights to promote Torah with respect to the laws, Halacha, the love of the holyland, and Kabballistic teachings and healings. You are truly blessed if you ever have the opportunity to be in her presence. Please, please, please show respect and Kavod before this scholar and true Mamesh Tzadekket.
We have entered into a time of freedom, Cheyrut, leaving behind what constricts us. Let us use this opportunity to thank Hashem for all of our knowledge, decisions, and opinions, and use this as a way to eradicate baseless hatred, Sinat Chinam, to transform it into “Sinai Chaverim” , Friends of Sinai, for all of Klal Yisrael and the Nations among us. Chag Kasher Ve’Sameach!
Well said I completely agree .... thank you Sharon K
DeleteI agree, it's simple decency to have to have respect for each other's opinions. Please speak with respect, no matter what the other's opinions are!
ReplyDeleteRe: Response to Chana Bracha Siegelbaum
ReplyDelete1. She quotes her religious zionist Rabbi. This is flawed as we are no longer "titled" or defined by who our rabbi is...We are a holy people in our Holy Land with our Holy Torah, and our Creator of the Universe. The original titles we held were just to divide us and caused baseless hatred.
2. She quotes the World Health Organization's data as a serious document that can be trusted.
3. She partially quotes from a Gemorrah in Sotah 49b... misconstrued her argument and left out major portions of the Gemorrah which says our meeting houses (the Knesset) will become whore house.
I could not read till the end as I found it to be so harmful.
Science is the idol worship that discredits all the opposers of the shot.
Rabbi Kahane in his article 30 years ago entitled "the End of History” the arrogance of science will destroy man.
1. I quote many rabbis not just Rav Melamed, especially in part two of the blog, stay tuned. Quoting Rabbis doesn't mean we are defined by them. I agree that "We are a holy people in our Holy Land with our Holy Torah, and our Creator of the Universe." Our holy Torah includes books and comments written by our holy rabbis. I'm not into titles, rather I promote unconditional love always. So sad that we are so divided when our tikun is to unite and respect each other despite difference of opinion.
Delete2. I quoted different medical platforms as examples of what people in general respect, I'm not especially an adherent of any of them.
3. I quoted the part of Talmud Sotah 49b that relates to the point I want to make, that is a standard way of quoting Torah sources to only quote relevant parts and indicate with three dots, as I did that it isn't a full quote. “In the times of the approach of Mashiach, impudence will increase… and the truth will become absent.” There is a very long list of other things that will happen in the times of the approach of Mashiach that I didn't quote. Regarding your interpretation of "the meeting places will become whorehouses "beit Va'ad yihehe l'znut," the word knesset is not mentioned, so this is a farfetched interpretation.
I agree that science can become idol worship when it is followed blindly (the same and even more so goes for pseudo science). This is exactly why I quote authoritative halachic rabbis.
Good to see that we agree that science discredit those who oppose vaccinations. In other words we agree that opposing vaccination is against science.
To all the “Unknowns” and “Anonymous” who are responding, you’re so ready to denigrate and dismiss the Rebbetzin who expresses herself with her identity in full view, why don’t you have the courage to identify yourselves. Are you perhaps ashamed of your disrespectful responses and thus, need to hide?
ReplyDeleteReporters from the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. actually attended a boot camp run by Dr. Tenpenny to train people to go out and win over members of the public.
ReplyDelete anti-vaxxer camp.
That Tenpenny, an osteopath who likely has neither an undergraduate nor a graduate degree in medicine, epidemiology, or statistical inference, would choose to contradict scientists with years of study and experience is nothing short of sheer unadulterated chutzpah.
She'd be much better off brewing beer, as in Tenpenny ale.
Are rebbetzins allowed to slander others? I thought that was lashon hora?